What to Sow in March

If you live in a cooler climate it can be difficult to achieve harvestable crops during winter.
Where our co-founder Annabel lives in NSW, it’s cold enough that plants literally come to a standstill, and practically hibernate. Plants must be mature well before the coolest weather kicks in, if you're planning to eat from the garden.
For vegetable harvest this Winter, here's a guide on what seed to sow NOW:
🧅 Short-day onions, leeks, spring onions
🥕 Carrot, Radish, Beetroot
🫛 Snow peas, Sugar snaps, Broad beans
🥬 Leafy greens: Spinach, Bok choi, Chard, Mizuna, Tatsoi
🌿 Herbs: Coriander, Dill, Parsley, Woody herbs
🌼 Edible flowers: Viola, Calendula
Check out Canberra Seed Saver's excellent growing guide for Seedlings
Don’t forget to feed your seedlings and plants Food2Soil fortnightly for excellent growth, stress and pest resistance!
Happy growing 🌱🐝💚