If you live in a cooler climate, achieving a bountiful harvest during winter can be challenging. In regions like NSW, where our co-founder Annabel resides, the cold weather can cause plants to halt growth and hibernate. To ensure a productive vegetable harvest this winter, it's essential to plant the right seeds now. Here's your ultimate March planting guide!
Best Vegetables to Plant in March
For vegetable harvest this Winter, here's a guide on what seed to sow NOW:
🧅 Short-day onions, leeks, spring onions
🥕 Carrot, Radish, Beetroot
🫛 Snow peas, Sugar snaps, Broad beans
Leafy Greens to Sow Now
🥬 Spinach, Bok choi, Chard, Mizuna, Tatsoi
Herbs for a Winter Garden
🌿 Coriander, Dill, Parsley, Woody herbs
Edible Flowers to Brighten Your Winter Garden
🌼 Viola, Calendula, Chamomile, Poppy
Tips for Successful Winter Gardening
Check out Canberra Seed Saver's excellent growing guide for Seedlings
Feeding Your Plants for Optimal Growth
Don’t forget to feed your seedlings and plants Food2Soil fortnightly for excellent growth, stress and pest resistance!
Happy growing 🌱🐝💚