As winter approaches, caring for indoor plants becomes essential to ensure they thrive despite the cold. Discover our comprehensive guide to maintaining the health and vitality of your indoor greenery throughout the winter months
Proper care during the winter season is crucial to ensure the well-being and vitality of our beloved leafy companions. An indoor plant fertiliser is always a great ally to give them the perfect needed boost. It’s also a great opportunity to take a look at our loved ones (plants), and see if we have been neglecting some of the basic TLC and do a catch up!
In this blog, we will explore some essential tips for caring for indoor plants in winter, allowing them to flourish even when the world outside is frozen.
During winter, most indoor plants experience slower growth, which means they require less water compared to the warmer months. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s important to monitor the moisture levels of the soil carefully. Before watering, check the soil’s moisture level by inserting your finger about an inch deep into the soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to water. Remember to water sparingly and allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Be careful not to let your plants sit in standing water, as it can promote root problems. Don’t forget that Food2Soil is a great indoor plant fertiliser.
* Caveat – if you live in a north facing home (more sun in winter!), or doing a lot of heating, your plants may actually need MORE watering in winter!
Use biofertilisers to work with your plants’ needs! Most plants naturally enter a period of dormancy during winter, so their nutrient requirements are significantly reduced. Biofertilisers, derived from natural sources, offer numerous benefits that go beyond traditional chemical fertilisers. Unlike chemical fertilisers, which provide nutrients in isolated forms, biofertilisers release nutrients slowly, forming a kind of symbiotic relationship between the plant roots and the microbes in the biofertiliser, ensuring a steady supply over time. They are incredible plant food! This steady nutrient availability (from the organic plant food) is particularly beneficial during winter when plants have reduced growth rates and require a consistent and gentle nutrient boost, enhancing the resilience and vitality of your green companions.
Plant Immunity
The cold and dry conditions of winter can weaken the immune systems of indoor plants, making them more susceptible to diseases and pests. Biofertilisers contain natural compounds that stimulate plant defense mechanisms, making them more resistant to stressors. These compounds can enhance the production of enzymes, antioxidants, and phytochemicals in plants, strengthening their immune systems and reducing the risk of infections and infestations. By using biofertilisers (FYI – a completely natural organic fertiliser), you provide your indoor plants with an extra layer of protection during the challenging winter season.
Keep Your Plants Clean
Give your plants a clean! Because plants breathe through their leaves it is important to keep them free from heavy build ups of dust or grime. Ideally, give the leaves a wipe down every two weeks or so with a damp cloth, but if this is difficult because your plants have fuzzy leaves or there are just too many tiny leaves, give them a shower, put them in the bath and use a hand held shower head and spray them. You can put them outside on a mild, rainy day for a natural rinse but be wary of them getting too much sunshine as they will burn very quickly, remember not to leave them out in the cold!
Hot tip! After a wash is a great time to give a gentle water with Food2Soil organic fertiliser as it will absorb through the leaves efficiently as well as working its wonders in the root zone!
Placement Near Sunlit Windows
With shorter daylight hours, it’s essential to maximize the available light for your indoor plants. Place them near windows that receive the most sunlight during the day. If you notice your plants leaning towards the light source, rotate them every now and then to ensure even growth.
Hot tip for the super keen! Consider using artificial grow lights as a supplement, especially for plants that require high light levels. Positioning the lights a few inches above the plants will provide them with the necessary light energy.
Maintaining Stable Temperatures
Most indoor plants thrive in temperatures between 15-24°C. Avoid exposing your plants to cold drafts from windows or doors, as sudden temperature fluctuations cause stress. Also, keep them away from heat sources like radiators, which can cause dryness and even COOK your babies! Aim for a stable, moderate temperature throughout your home to create an optimal environment for your plants to flourish.
Indoor heating systems tend to decrease the humidity in the air, which can have a negative impact on your plants. To counteract this, provide additional moisture to the surrounding environment. Grouping plants together or placing them on a tray filled with water and pebbles can help increase humidity levels around them. Regularly misting your plants with room temperature water is also beneficial, but avoid misting fuzzy-leaved plants, as it can lead to leaf rot.
Hot tip!
I have known serious indoor plant lovers to provide for their plants by utilising a humidifier. Not required for most people, but an option for a specific ‘plant room’? Plants definitely love it!
Caring for indoor plants during the winter requires some adjustments to accommodate their changing needs. By providing proper watering, optimizing light exposure, maintaining consistent temperatures, increasing humidity levels, using biofertiliser, you can ensure the well-being of your leafy companions throughout the colder months. Remember, a little extra attention and care will allow your indoor plants to thrive and bring life and beauty to your home, even in the midst of winter.
Happy growing with our indoor plant fertiliser this winter from the Food2Soil team 🌱☀️💚